Lung disease stem cell treatment drug ‘PNEUMOSTEM’ application for US clinical trial2014/08/12STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC
Lung disease stem cell drug designated ‘orphan drug in development stage’2014/07/29STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC
US patent for ‘CARTISTEM’ raw material stem cell differentiation capability selection technology2014/05/15STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC
Successful administration of stem cell dementia treatment drug ‘NEUROSTEM’2014/04/28STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC
Clinical thesis for lung treatment ‘PNEUMOSTEM’ published in international academic journal2014/02/10STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC
Football Manager Guus Hiddink, receives arthritis surgery with MEDIPOST’s stem cell technology2014/01/09STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC
Designated ‘Stem Cell Hair Growth Solution’ research institution by Ministry Commerce, Industry and Energy2013/12/20STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC